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Limited Time Only: Hyperion GS Sailplane Brushless Motors, 20-40% OFF!!!

New Jeti Spin Pro 80/100/160A SHED ESCs w/5A BEC, IN STOCK!!!

New Jeti Spin Pro SHED (Slim/Hotliner/Electric Ducted Fan) controllers will give you unprecedented control of the programming for your brushless motors. All includes Switching BEC that allows you to run up to 8 servos. Any SPIN controller can be used either in airplanes, sailplanes, fix pitch or 3D helicopters (constant RPM).
SPIN controllers can be quickly programmed without a computer; the SPIN BOX is all that is needed. SPIN controllers have a Data Logging function that lets you check and fine tune the setup of your airplane or helicopter. Readings for Peak controller temperature, Maximum current, Minimum current, RPM, Motor run time and many other parameters are recorded and can be viewed right on the SPIN BOX after a flight. This allows you to make adjustments immediately and fly again to see the results.