Jeti AFC Anti-Spark Connectors 4, 5.5, 8mm Good up to 300A!!!
Limited Time Only: Hyperion GS Sailplane Brushless Motors, 20-40% OFF!!!
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Secraft DJI S800 Upgrades!!!
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Secraft Fuel Pump Gas/Diesel
Secraft Fuel Pump Nitro
Secraft Smoke Pump
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Hot New Additions!!!
Next 48 hours ONLY
Coupon Code: IND201315
(Expires July 6, 2013 at 24:00 EST US)


4th of July "Independence Day" Special!!!
Get 10% OFF any In Stock:
Thunder Power Battery Packs,
Hitec Analog/Digital Servos,
Hitec, Jeti & Futaba Receivers,
Jeti Spin & Advance Pro ESCs,
Jeti Phasor Race Competition Motors,
and BavarianDEMON 3X & 3SX Flybarless Systems!!!!!!
Next 48 hours ONLY
Coupon Code: IND201310
(Expires July 6, 2013 at 24:00 EST US)
BavarianDEMON 3X & 3SX Systems

Thunder Power Pro-Lite 25C, Pro Force 70C Battery Packs
Hitec 2.4Ghz Receivers
Futaba 2.4Ghz Receivers
Jeti 2.4Ghz Receivers
Hitec Digital and Analog Servos
Jeti Advance, Spin and ECO Speed Controllers
New Jeti Competition Phasor Race 2026/2035 Geared Motors, IN STOCK!!!
Next 48 hours ONLY
Coupon Code: IND201310
(Expires July 6, 2013 at 24:00 EST US)

Carl Zeiss OLED Cinemizer 3D Glasses, IN STOCK!!!!!!
The new Cinemizer OLED multimedia video glasses from Carl Zeiss combines three-dimensional movie enjoyment with brilliant image quality and outstanding stereo sound. The Cinemizer OLED projects a 40-inch image into the eyeglasses - and therefore creates a theater atmosphere combining a three-dimensional movie experience with brilliant image quality and outstanding stereo sound. Dive into a fantastic new world - wherever, whenever. Outstanding features include the excellent contrast of the OLED display, the light weight of the eyeglasses and personalized setting of the wearer's eyeglass prescription. The outstanding design of the Cinemizer OLED allows you to experience all that your virtual world has to offer: at home or on the road, at work or at play, and for a wide range of applications.
First Person View (FPV)
The new Cinemizer OLED multimedia video glasses from Carl Zeiss combines three-dimensional movie enjoyment with brilliant image quality and outstanding stereo sound. The Cinemizer OLED projects a 40-inch image into the eyeglasses - and therefore creates a theater atmosphere combining a three-dimensional movie experience with brilliant image quality and outstanding stereo sound. Dive into a fantastic new world - wherever, whenever. Outstanding features include the excellent contrast of the OLED display, the light weight of the eyeglasses and personalized setting of the wearer's eyeglass prescription.
Sig Senior Kadet 60 + Pulsar 3.2S, IN STOCK!!!!!
With EM Custom Sailplane Cradle for Air-Launches!!!

This is the legendary Sig Kadet Senior Trainer in ARF form. Many radio control pilots have earned their wings with the Kadet Senior. With its IMAA legal wingspan and huge "barn door" ailerons, the Kadet Senior is simply a joy to fly. All flying surfaces as well as fuselage are hand covered with premium UltraCote covering material in a unique two-color trim scheme. Removable large, two-piece plug-in wing as well as removable hardened steel wire landing gear makes transportation to the field a breeze.
Is it any wonder that the Kadet Senior is nicknamed "The Flying SUV"?
