Hot New Additions!!!
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Hacker V3 Brushless Motors, IN STOCK!!!
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Transmitter Upgrades, Stands, Sticks, Trays, Switches…
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Limited Time Only: Hyperion GS Sailplane Brushless Motors, 20-40% OFF!!!
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Jeti AFC Anti-Spark Connectors 4, 5.5, 8mm Good up to 300A!!!
Custom Servo Frames for your Next Project, IN STOCK!!!
We are now offering specially designed servo frames for mounting servos to a hollow molded wing. Finally, a solid installation with the option of easy removal. No more struggle with fast emergency exchange at the flying field.
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Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Model!!!
Get 11% OFF any In Stock Items!!!*
Next 48 hours ONLY
Coupon Code: SPRING11OFF
(Expires: April 20, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)

* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy.
CORTEX BavarianDEMON 3-Axis Stabilization System

The bavarianDEMON CORTEX is a stabilization system for fix wing model aircraft. And hence an absolute world first in this form. The new brain and heart of your high-quality aircraft - immediately ready to run. The CORTEX does not require any PC or additional software settings - unless it is desired.
Cortex is new 3-axis stabilization system for fix wing model aircraft. Extremely smooth flight characteristics - even at strong, gusty wind with adjustable gyro assistance.
Joe Smith Flying the Bavarian Demon Cortex at SEFF
Introducing Brand New Jeti Telemetry Sensor MVario2 EX Variometer, F5J-ALES Limiter & Expander, IN STOCK!!!
MVario2 is a system that measures atmospheric pressure and using the obtained data it calculates the altitude above sea level, airspeed, and the rate of climb as well as the rate of descent. Changes in climb and descent rates are signaled as well. The sensor also alerts you if any alarm setting is exceeded.
The sensor enables an acoustic signal for the climb rate/descent rate or for exceeding of a pre-adjusted limit value. The acoustic signal consists of 4 different kinds (steps) for climbing and the same amount of steps for descending. The step width can be adjusted by the user. The climb signal consists of short interrupted tones, the descent signal consists of long permanent tones.
F5J/ALES Altitude & Time Limiter, Motor Cut-Off Switch
If you participate in competitions in categories such as F5J or ALES (Altitude Limited Electric Soaring), set the appropriate device mode (F5J/ALES) in the MVario2 menu. Next, connect the receiver and the speed controller (ESC) as shown. The standard firmware allows you to set the cut-off height and the maximum time of motor operation

Expander Setting
Due to its flexibility, the MVario2 EX allows connection of up to two additional sensors. MVario2 then acts as an Expander and sends its own telemetry to the receiver together with the telemetry of connected sensors. You can connect for example speedometer MSPEED EX for the speed compensation (TEK) or any other sensor to any port (Ext1 or Ext2).

Logical Sensor
MVario2 EX can be configured as a sensor of logic levels (log. 0 or log. 1). If you want to be informed whether the landing gear is properly secured, the logic inputs function is very convenient. Simply connect the limit switch as shown - between the signal wire and the ground (minus) - this way you will know immediately whether the switch is on or off.

TopModel CZ Grafas Maxi 3.5E Sailplane, Coming Soon!!!
RC Universe Review of StandBox Storage, Transport and Workstation System, IN STOCK!!!

Sailplane Accessories IN STOCK!!!
Carbon Fiber Balsa Core Plywood Sheets, IN STOCK!!!
CF/Balsa Plywood Sheet Size
CF/Balsa Sheet 0.1" x 6 1/4" x 11 3/4" (2.5 x 160 x 300mm)
CF/Balsa Sheet 0.14" x 6 1/4" x 11 3/4" (3.5 x 160 x 300mm)
CF/Balsa Sheet 0.18" x 6 1/4" x 11 3/4" (4.5 x 160 x 300mm)
CF/Balsa Sheet 0.25" x 6 1/4" x 11 3/4" (6.5 x 160 x 300mm)
Fiberglass Sheets, IN STOCK!!!
Fiberglass Sheet Size
FG Sheet 0.02" x 5 7/8" x 13 3/4" (0.5 x 150 x 350mm)
FG Sheet 0.04" x 5 7/8" x 13 3/4" (1 x 150 x 350mm)
FG Sheet 0.06" x 5 7/8" x 13 3/4" (1.5 x 150 x 350mm)
FG Sheet 0.08" x 5 7/8" x 13 3/4" (2 x 150 x 350mm)
FG Sheet 0.10" x 5 7/8" x 13 3/4" (2.5 x 150 x 350mm)
FG Sheet 0.12" x 5 7/8" x 13 3/4" (3 x 150 x 350mm)
FG Sheet 0.15" x 5 7/8" x 13 3/4" (4 x 150 x 350mm)