Let's Be Honest, in Today's World, it's All About the Deal!!!
Get 10% OFF ALL In Stock Items!!!
(NO Exceptions, Everything is 10% OFF)
Next 48 hours ONLY
Coupon Code: LABOR10OFF
(Expires August 29, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)

(NO Exceptions, Everything is 10% OFF)
Pulse 860-5000mAh Li-Polymer Batteries, IN STOCK!!!
(860mAh 3S $13.00, 5000mAh 6S $140.00)
As Lithium Polymer battery technology continues to push new boundaries, Pulse Lithium Polymer Batteries bring a whole new element into the mix - power & performance at a price that simply can't be ignored.
Designed specifically for the demands of the latest power plants, not to mention the new realm of extreme 3D flight, Pulse brings a whole new battery to bear at a cost never seen before. Simply put, premium power no longer comes at a premium price.
Get 30% OFF ALL In Stock XOAR Propellers!!!
Discount Code: XOAR30OFF
(Expires August 31, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)
Let's Be Honest, in Today's World, it's All About the Deal!!!
Get 20% OFF All In Stock SAB Helicopter Kits and Parts!!!
Coupon Code: SAB20OFF
(Expires August 31, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)
Secraft Transmitter Trays for Spektrum DX9 and DX18 Radio Systems!!!
Sig Senior Kadet 60 + Pulsar 3.2S, IN STOCK!!!!!
With EM Custom Sailplane Cradle for Air-Launches!!!

This is the legendary Sig Kadet Senior Trainer in ARF form. Many radio control pilots have earned their wings with the Kadet Senior. With its IMAA legal wingspan and huge "barn door" ailerons, the Kadet Senior is simply a joy to fly. All flying surfaces as well as fuselage are hand covered with premium UltraCote covering material in a unique two-color trim scheme. Removable large, two-piece plug-in wing as well as removable hardened steel wire landing gear makes transportation to the field a breeze.
Is it any wonder that the Kadet Senior is nicknamed "The Flying SUV"?
