Newsletter - AIR/HELI: 01/2012 II |
For comments and suggestions please email us at support@espritmodel.com.
Helicopters!!! For more information please email us at HeliSales@EspritModel.com. |
CY Rave 90 Ballistic FSO w/Metal Tail Gear ($950.00)
Special Announcement!!! |
Get 20% OFF German SPIN Helicopter Blades!!!
Next 48 hours ONLY (Limited Stock)
Coupon Code: SPIN20OFF
(Expires January 14, 2012 at 24:00 EST US)
Spin Blades - German Know-How & European Manufacturing!!!

Spin Blades Matt Black
Here it is the new rotor blade from Spin Blades. After more then half a year of intense testing and 40 prototypes built the result is black, matt black. The first RC rotor blade with a matt finish. Ideal for either 3D or speed-flying. Stable and aggressive at the same time. The video basically outlines the questions which colour would you compare with the attributes, wild, powerful, the force, aggressive, hardcore, fast?

EM Project of the Month!!! |
WinDex 1200C Super Scale Sailplane (ARF)

Just Added!!! |
AerobTec Competition Recording Altimeter Switch Altis V3 (FAI F5J)

Comes complete with everything you need including Altis USB Link, USB Interface Cable, Flight Manager V3 software on CD-ROM and instruction manual. Small, light, and easy to use still installs in minutes. Plugs right into your receiver using the detachable lead. This device is little altimeter which can also be used as logging device or as competition altitude motor switch for popular ALES competitions. Altis V3 with its fully upgradeable firmware is compatible with newest F5J FAI rules. Large memory holds a whole day's worth of flying.
Soaring Circuits Competition Altimeter CAM (ALES)

Designed for the new 200m altitude limited electric soaring (ALES) format, the CAM is small, light, and easy to install. Just plug it in between your receiver and ESC. That's it! The CAM automatically shuts your motor down at 200 meters or after 30 seconds per the emerging ALES rules. This new competition format promises to put the "soaring" back into electric sailplane contests. Even inexpensive RTF models can compete!
The CAM has selectable cutoff altitudes of 100m, 150m and 200m, and does not require a computer to program or use. You can easily change the cutoff right at the field. With the CAM you can make multiple climbs to cutoff without having to land.
Soaring Circuits Recording Altimeter RAM 3 w/USB

Comes complete with everything you need including PC interface cable, FlightView software on CD-ROM, breathable anti-static protective foam wrap, and instruction manual. Small, light, and easy to use still installs in minutes. Plugs right into your receiver using the detachable lead, or use a separate battery. Wide supply voltage range lets you power the RAM3 from a single LiPo cell all the way up to a 12V battery. Large memory holds a whole day's worth of flying. 1, 2, 5, and 10 samples/sec sampling rates. Requires PC running Win XP/7/Vista with USB port.
EM Custom Sailplane Power Packages!!! |

Just Arrived!!! |
TopModel Kulbutin 3D Sailplane ($325.00)
New Hot!!! |
Brand New, Sailplane Stand/Storage/Workstation!!!
Expected Early February!!!!
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