Special, Lightweight Inrunner/Outrunner MVVS Sailplane Brushless Motors
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Limited Time Only: Hyperion GS Sailplane Brushless Motors, 20-40% OFF!!!
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Secraft Fuel Pump Gas/Diesel
Secraft Fuel Pump Nitro
Secraft Smoke Pump
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Jeti AFC Anti-Spark Connectors 4, 5.5, 8mm Good up to 300A!!!
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Discount Code: XOAR20OFF
(Expires October 19, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)
Back by Popular Demand, Fuel Pump Glow/Gas/Diesel HS & LS!!!
Fuel Pump features full metal body with direct drive for quick fuel transfer. The pump is ergonomically designed to be easy to hold on to while fueling. Use with glow, gasoline or diesel fuel.
Fuel pump LS (Low Speed) use with helicopter geared starters (1000 - 2500 rpm), HS (High Speed) with standard airplane direct drive starters (2500 - 5000 rpm). Pumping rate around 900 - 1300ml/min.
Graupner HoTT MZ-24 2.4GHz (12 Channel) Radio System with Telemetry and Receiver GR-24L & GR-12L (Only $499.00)!!!

The Graupner MZ-24 HoTT (Hopping Telemetry Transmission) 2.4GHz 12 Channel transmitter is designed with Graupner's unique telemetry technology that supports Bi-directional data transmission to give you real-time information. The use of up to 75 frequency hopping channels ensures extreme operating reliability and security from external interference. By using optional sensors and sensor modules, you see and analyze real-time data such as RPM, voltage, current, temperature, and also set warnings in the transmitter based upon the telemetry data. The MZ-24 has 30 model memory and is suitable for any aircraft.
With up to 12 available channels, built-in telemetry with data logging capabilities and a large 3.5" LCD touchscreen, the MZ-24 is the obvious choice for anyone who needs a high quality 12 channel radio.
Graupner HoTT MC-20/32 Pro 2.4GHz (12/16 Channel) Tray Radio Systems with Telemetry and Receivers GR-24L & GR-12L ($689.00/1295.00)!!!

The Graupner's MC-20 HoTT with 12 control functions, and a new fully integrated internal patch antenna enables any advanced RC pilot to control nearly any model. The use of the Graupner HoTT 2.4 GHz transmission technology ensures high functional reliability through bidirectional communication between transmitter and receiver, with integrated telemetry, voice output via speaker or headphone output, and ultra-fast controller response times.
The use of up to 75 frequency hopping channels ensures extreme operating reliability and security from external interference.
TopModel CZ Gracia Maxi 3.5E Sailplane, Due End of October!!!

TopModel CZ Grafas Maxi 3.5E Sailplane, Due End of October!!!

Multiplex Shark 15e EPP, IN STOCK!!!
Customize the Shark to your liking with our aileron upgrade kit or float and landing gear sets that attach in seconds! Jump into high flying excitement today with Multiplex!
Carbon Fiber Parts & Upgrades IN STOCK!!!