

Cyber Monday "Something For Everybody" Special!!!
Get 12% OFF In Stock Items!!!*
Next 24 hours ONLY
Coupon Code: CYBER12OFF
(Expires December 1, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)

* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy.

Jeti USA & Esprit Model Radio Systems Promotion!!!
Limited Time ONLY, Buy Jeti DS-16 or DC-16 Radio System and Receive $200.00 Gift Certificate from Us for Your Future Purchases. (The Gift Certificate will be Shipped with your Radio).*
(Expires November 30, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)
*This offer is not retroactive, eligible radios clearly marked (+ FREE $200.00 GC).
Introducing "Limited Edition" Red Racer & Black Phoenix, Jeti Duplex 2.4GHz DS-16 Carbon Radio Systems!!!
Production is scheduled to start on November 17. All custom radios ordered by November 17 will be delivered before Christmas of 2014.
The Limited Edition, Numbered radios will be produced in either the Red/Black "Racer" or the Black/White "Phoenix" schemes. The set includes a Limited Edition Jeti DS-16 Carbon Transmitter, Carbon Commemorative Plaques, and Transmitter Case. Only 20 pieces of Limited, All Numbered Radio Systems will be Released in Each of the Series. Total of 40 radio systems are Scheduled for 2014.
If you Do Not See your Lucky Number Call, we will try accommodate your Special Request!!!

Get 10%-30% OFF BavarianDemon 3X/3SX Helicopter & Cortex Stabilization Systems!!!
Next 24 hours ONLY (Limited Stock, Limited Time)
BavarianDemon 3SX $351.12
BavarianDemon 3X $193.60
BavarianDemon Cortex $307.12
(Expires December 1, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)
The 3SX is a high-quality, compact designed Flybarless system (Rigid) and replaces the mechanical flybar on the rotor heads of all current RC helicopters. Additionally this unit features the well-known and patented Horizontal mode (self-leveling), which brings the heli back to horizontal attitude anytime you let go off the sticks. Moreover, the system is equipped with several safety features, leveling the heli back even while in hard 3D-maneuvers like Tic-Toc or PiroFlip with a speed never seen before.
The bavarianDEMON CORTEX is a stabilization system for fix wing model aircraft. And hence an absolute world first in this form. The new brain and heart of your high-quality aircraft - immediately ready to run. The CORTEX does not require any PC or additional software settings - unless it is desired.


Get Instantly 20% OFF In Stock XOAR Propellers!!!
Coupon Code: CYBER20OFF
(Expires December 1, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)

