World's Largest R/C Model Flying Event of 2015!!!
Stop by to see us at the Joe Nall R/C Model Show, South Carolina,
May 12-16, 2014!!!

Introducing "Jeti Shorts", Your Express Way to Jeti Universe!!!
System: Screen Contrast & Telemetry On/Off

Basic Programming: Accelerometers

Telemetry / Timers: Timers


Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Model!!!
Get 11% OFF In Stock Items!!!*
Coupon Code: DEAL0511OFF
(Expires May 14, 2015 at 24:00 EST US)

* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy.

Joe Nall Week & Esprit Model Jeti Radio System Promotion!!!
Limited Time ONLY, Buy Jeti DS-14/16 or DC-16 Radio System and Receive Free Jeti R6i or R7 Duplex Receiver.*
(Expires May 15, 2015 at 24:00 EST US)

*This offer is not retroactive, eligible radios clearly marked (FREE R6i or R7 Receiver).

Get 12% OFF BavarianDemon Cortex Stabilization Systems!!!
(Joe Nall Promotion, This Week $289.00 Only)!!!!!!
(Expires May 15, 2015 at 24:00 EST US)
The bavarianDEMON CORTEX is a stabilization system for fix wing model aircraft. And hence an absolute world first in this form. The new brain and heart of your high-quality aircraft - immediately ready to run. The CORTEX does not require any PC or additional software settings - unless it is desired.
Cortex is new 3-axis stabilization system for fix wing model aircraft. Extremely smooth flight characteristics - even at strong, gusty wind with adjustable gyro assistance.


Get 10% & 13% OFF BavarianDemon 3X/3SX Helicopter Flybarless Systems!!!
(Joe Nall Promotion, This Week 3X $179.00 & 3SX $329.00 Only)!!!
(Expires May 15, 2015 at 24:00 EST US)
The 3SX is a high-quality, compact designed Flybarless system (Rigid) and replaces the mechanical flybar on the rotor heads of all current RC helicopters. Additionally this unit features the well-known and patented Horizontal mode (self-leveling), which brings the heli back to horizontal attitude anytime you let go off the sticks. Moreover, the system is equipped with several safety features, leveling the heli back even while in hard 3D-maneuvers like Tic-Toc or PiroFlip with a speed never seen before.
The bavarianDEMON CORTEX is a stabilization system for fix wing model aircraft. And hence an absolute world first in this form. The new brain and heart of your high-quality aircraft - immediately ready to run. The CORTEX does not require any PC or additional software settings - unless it is desired.

Jeti USA Expand Your Universe Trade Up Program!!!
(Jeti USA & Esprit Model Buy Back Program for Spektrum/JR* DSMX & Futaba S-FHSS/FASST & FASSTest Receivers)
We all know how hard it is to move from something familiar to something new and unknown. Even if that new and unknown radio system enhances your experience, allows for future expansion, incorporates many built in safety features and delivers the possibility of taking your experience or performance to another level, the choice to make the change can be difficult. We all know that many times change is not just matter of our choice but also a matter of hard reality. The system that we currently use already represents a substantial investment and no one wants to lose it. We understand. Because of this we at Jeti USA strongly believe that it's finally time for you to have a radio system that will last for years to come. We are here and ready to help you make the change.
Our rules are very simple. Jeti USA in cooperation with Esprit Model will buy back your Futaba, Spektrum or JR DSMX receivers which are currently being sold with a Gift Certificate for 50% of the receiver's street price. This Gift Certificate can be used towards the purchase of any Jeti Radio System products. All that we require is that the used receivers are in clean, fully working conditions.*
But enough said, look what this customer had to say about Jeti (Direct Quote from a Public Forum):
Well I've been a Jeti fan for quite a few years now . This came about after fitting a TX module in to a MC24 TX belonging to a team member for him to use in airframes for F5D pylon comps. At that time Jeti 2.4 had only been available for a few short weeks but even so when we asked Jeti for alterations to their RXs, namely longer RX aerials to reach outside the fully carbon F5D airframes, Jeti responded within a week supplying new hardware with 400mm twin aerials FOC! Their response impressed me and there customer service just got even better over time. I am now looking forward to years of being able to fly with the confidence that I've chosen probably the best RC equipment available to date by far.
Mark V, UK
* This offer is not retroactive and can be canceled at any time.
* Spektrum and JR Brands are registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby, Inc and JR Americas, Inc
* Eligible receivers: AR12120, AR12020, 9310, 9110, 9020, 8000, 6210, 610, 400
* Eligible receivers: Futaba R2006, R2008SB, R6008/6014HS, R617FS, R6206SBW, R6208SB, R7003/7008SB

World's Largest R/C Model Flying Event of 2015!!!
Stop by to see us at the Joe Nall R/C Model Show, South Carolina,
May 12-16, 2014!!!
