
Introducing "Jeti Shorts", Your Express Way to Jeti Universe!!!

Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Model, 2015 Memorial Day Sale!!!
Get 11% OFF In Stock Items!!!*
Coupon Code: MEMORIAL11OFF
(Expires May 25, 2015 at 24:00 EST US)

* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy.

Jeti DS-16, Emcotec DPSI, Hacker A200, BD Cortex, Markus Rummer + Variable Pitch & Thrust Vectoring = Super Awesome!!!
Without Jeti Radio System, Emcotec Power Distribution and telemetry control none of this would be possible. Jeti's sensors are controlling pitch, constant speed and max temperature of the system. If any of the servos, ESC or motor overload or overheat transmitter will automatically lower the power outputs. The Mini DPSI power distribution units are controlling independently airplane pitch & thrust vectoring servos. The custom Spin 700 helicopter blades were custom made specifically for this project.
Power system with custom Hacker A200 motor, Jeti Spin 300 ESC and 12S 10,000mAh battery packs is pulling around 250A and producing over 11000W (11kW) of pure power!!!
Raven's flight starts at 1:15, at 5:30 you can see landing and taxi backwards.

Spirit Helicopter Flybarless Stabilization System ($232.00 Only)!!!
And Jeti & Spirit FBL Full Programming & Telemetry Integration!!!
Esprit Model is very pleased to announce that we are now stocking distributor and support center for Spirit Systems. We are your direct source for this awesome flybarless controllers and all of the accessories needed to install it. We have tested the system and are convinced that this is the best value in the hobby today.
We are especially pleased to announce that the full Jeti Duplex EX integration is now fully implemented. This will allow our Jeti radio customers to set up and tune all the parameters of the system directly from their Jeti DS/DC radio systems, while still allowing its use by pilots who chose to with fly another radio system.

Introducing Jeti Duplex DS-16 Carbon Red 2.4GHz Edition Radio System from Jeti USA (Only $1695.00)!!!
The DS-16 Carbon represents Jeti's new flagship, State-of-the-art, transmitter that sets a new standard for the RC Industry. Jetis final touches and finishes are outstanding. The front panel of the system is made of genuine Carbon Fiber with UV stabilized acrylic clear coating as well as aluminum frame which is finished in multi-layer automotive paint.

Get Instantly 15% OFF In Stock Jeti Spin & Advance & HiCopter ESCs!!!
Coupon Code: MEMORIAL15OFF
(Expires May 25, 2015 at 24:00 EST US)

Get Instantly 15% OFF In Stock XOAR Propellers!!!
Discount Code: MEMORIAL15OFF
(Expires May 25, 2015 at 24:00 EST US)

It's Time to Go Flying, Full Line of Receiver Ready Airplanes!!!
Store Display Pylon Racers & Electric Sailplanes, In Stock !!!
(NO Exceptions, Every Rx-R Airplane is 15% OFF)
Coupon Code: MEMORIAL15OFF
(Expires May 25, 2015 at 24:00 EST US)
