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We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all of our customers we have had the pleasure to do business with. Esprit Tech & Jeti USA would not be the leaders without our highly competent and innovative business partners and supporters. We are very proud to be your favorite Hobby Shop and place where your Dreams Come True.

In the last 14 years the hobby and business environment has changed dramatically. In today's business world we can communicate, learn, and talk 24/7. Help and good advice is only a click away. With these words on this beautiful day we can look confidently into the future. With your support and cooperation our future looks brighter than ever.

We are always looking for a fellow pilots, hobbyist, and partners who would like to contribute and improve Esprit Tech's legacy. Ok that's enough, Let's Go Flying!

Thank you, Lucy Blaha
CEO, Esprit Tech & Jeti USA

Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Tech!!!
Get 11% OFF In Stock Items!!!*

Coupon Code: DEAL11121OFF
(Expires December 20, 2015 at 24:00 EST US)

Esprit Model
* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy.

Join Us for 2015 Christmas Give Away!!!
Over $2600.00 Worth of Prizes!!!

Christmas Give Away

Jeti Updates

Introducing Brand New, Revolutionary, Jeti V4.00 Firmware Update. Get Full 24-Channels, Multi-Rotor Model Type, Inactivity Alarm & much more from your DC/DC-16 Radio System!!!

DC/DS-16: 24-Channels Multimode
The DC-16 and DS-16 now support up to 24 fully proportional and programmable channels. This expansion allows you to conveniently install multiple receivers or Central Boxes into a model without additional programming. By default, this feature is turned off. The transmitter enables it automatically as soon as any servo is assigned to any 17-24 channel (see the menu Model -> Servo Assignment). You can see the 24-Channel Multimode status in Advanced Properties -> Wireless Modes/Trainer.

Jeti Updates Jeti Updates Jeti Updates

New Model Type Multi-Copters
A new wizard that allows you simple creation of multicopter models has been added. You can set several basic functions of the model:

Jeti Updates Jeti Updates Jeti Updates

Inactivity & Low-Q Alarms
The menu System -> System Sound now contains two additional freely configurable system alarms.
- Low Signal: Q – you can set an audio file and a threshold level for a low signal determined by the quality of the information. If the signal quality drops below the percent value, the assigned audio file will be played.
- Inactivity alarm - you can assign an audio file and time interval for inactivity warning. The alarm will be triggered repeatedly when there are no buttons being used and the sticks are holding their last positions for an extended period.

Jeti Updates Jeti Updates

Get 25% OFF Selected Electric Sailplanes & Hotliners!!!

Discount Code: DEAL1225OFF

(Expires December 25, 2015 at 24:00 EST US)

Alsema Sagitta 4m
Alsema Sagitta 4m
H-205 Club Libelle 4m
H-205 Club Libelle 4m
Go 3 Minimoa 4.25m
Go 3 Minimoa 4.25m
Proxima Mk.II 2.8E
Proxima Mk.II 2.8E
Scorpion Hotliner
Scorpion Hotliner
Variant III Hotliner
Variant III Hotliner
Cumulus 2.5E F5J
Cumulus 2.5E F5J
Champion 2.8E
Champion 2.8E
Kadet Sport 2E
Kadet Sport 2E
Magic 2E F5J
Magic 2E F5J
Rapid 2.3E
Rapid 2.3E
Maxx 2E F5J
Maxx 2E F5J

New Multimode CNC Gimbals for Jeti Carbon DS/DC Radios!!!

Check out the new Multimode CNC gimbals for Jeti DS/DC radios. From now on we can easily setup radios in Mode 1 to 4 or multi-rotor Mode 5 (Both gimbals centered) with simple hex driver.
Note: At this time only new Carbon Jeti USA and DC/DS-24 are equipped with this type of gimbals.

CNC Gimbal

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