
Fast & Simple, Power Redundancy Done Using Jeti Dual Electronic Switch DSM 10 or DSM ESC with Magnetic Key and Battery Power Backup.
(Complete Installation in 5 Minutes or Less!!!)
Final solution in redundancy and reliability from Jeti is here. The DSM 10 is designed for two independent 5-13V inputs and supports up to 10A continuous current or 20A burst current for your connected devices. This unit is most suitable for today's high-voltage servos, which you might be operating directly from a two-cell LiFe battery or similar Li-Poly battery pack. Please note that DSM 10 does not include a regulator, output voltage is equal to input voltage.
The redundant DSM ESC switch automatically monitors and switches between two power supplies (Two Rx Batteries, Rx Battery & ESC or Two ESCs) keeping your system operational. In a case of using two ESCs the throttle signal from the receiver is supplied to both controllers simultaneously.
Two Independent Receiver Battery Packs Used for Redundancy

When comparing the DS-14 to the DS-16, it may be hard to notice the differences, since they offer the same overall functionality. So what really sets them apart?
Read what one Jeti user had to say on the forums:
I've said this here somewhere before, but it's simple to write again than to search for it - the main rationale is, DS-14 is a crippled DS-16. It's not crippled by functionality (if you buy all of it, it's just like DS-16, if I remember right), it's crippled by fear. You will be afraid to spend an extra cent on a feature you think you won't need, and you will end up *never* having it.
With DS-16, though, you'll be in a different situation. You'll be like "Oh, dude, look, I can also do X and Y and Z with all these things!", X, Y, and Z being things you would have *never* thought of being usable for your particular scenario.
Pay Once, Cry Once. Go For It, You Will Enjoy Every Second!!!!!!!!!