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New AXi V2 Motor for Your Every Application!!!

If Something Sounds too Good to be True, It Probably Is!!!
RIP - Let Model Ventus 2cx 237"/26 lbs. (Invested Over $8,000.00)!!!
(RIP - Rest In Pieces)
Extensively tested whole radio set up on the bench soak testing, cycling batteries....The above was done over the space of 4-6 weeks. No glitches at all during this time. At the field the glider was radio tested on a picnic bench so it was off the ground and I has some helpers turn it round while range testing. All controls were rechecked and all 4 batteries were fresh off my iCharger.
Got the glider in the air and managed 2 circuits, I was planning to do one more and land when I had zero control over the glider. The radio had not reported RSSI or telemetry loss, so as far as I understand the radio link was still there. The model has effectively 4 ailerons and 2 elevators so no single servo failure would cause the model to lose control. The way the model went in was after initiating a gently banking turn the controls froze there and it slowly continued to turn and slowly drop the nose. It basically did a big gently spiral into the floor. Sadly 6 meter 16kg gliders don't crash too well as you will see from the pictures taken on the day.
I analyzed things straight after the crash to try to figure out what happened, all the servo were working bar one aileron servo that had totally striped gears on the wing that impacted the ground, I think it is safe to say this happened on impact. The rx batteries were tested on my iCharger and they had full charge and cycled down and up fine. Both receivers have been tested independently of this model and subsequently show to be fine.

Installation (FrSky Clone Box)



Get 30-86% OFF Align/Avant/Kasama/Century/Rave/Synergy/E-Flite Blade Helicopter Parts. Everything Must Go, Liquidation Sale!!!

Sailplane Power Pod Launching System!!!
Introducing our brand new electric Power Pod Launching systems. These high quality units allow you to reach optimal thermal hunting altitudes without the expense and complications associated with towing your sailplane to altitude. They are also a great choice if your favorite tow pilot is not available. Finally, you now have solution that can enhance your flying experience when you need it but can also be easily removed when not needed. Simply remove the installation screw and pull the unit out of your fuselage. The Power Pod Launching system can be supplied as Installation Ready or as just the pylon/spinner assembly ready for your Motor, ESC and Propeller installation. The special, custom, folding aluminum spinner comes with 5mm and 6mm collets.
With our proven, recommended 5S and 8S power setups your sailplane can be ready in minutes.

* Spektrum brand is registered trademark of Horizon Hobby, Inc