
I Can Clearly Say that if Not for the Jeti Telemetry I Would Have Never, Ever Found my Paraglider.
(Story of how my Jeti Transmitter saved a $1500.00 Paramotor from the Jungle)
Simple question, what are you going to do one sunny Saturday morning in Florida? The weather is nice, the wind is light, the blue beautiful sky promises a relaxing late morning at the flying field and either way the dog needs to go out. Done deal; let's kill two birds with one stone.
The batteries are charged. Lucas and the Oxy 3, Manny and Danny with the Trike XL, and faithful Charlie (Golden Retriever) are all ready for little bit of exercise and thermal hunting. After arriving at the flying field, everything looked very promising. The morning crowd is already gone, and the sun is already building thermal bubbles. Everything looks good but the wind has already picked up slightly.
Ok, first up is Lucas with the Oxy 3/4m wing and a heavy 6S 5000mAH battery. I guess the wind is picking up, I better add 2 lbs (1kg) of extra ballast. Dammm… it stayed at the shop. I guess this tiny 1/2 lbs piece of lead should be enough (Big Mistake). Let's launch it. I powered up and let Charlie chase Lucas a little bit around the field. Few minutes later the dog is tired and already overheating. The sun is shining, so it's time to go higher for little bit of thermal hunting. Another few minutes; this is great I got altitude in no time. Getting further down wind for few thermal tums, right over the part of the field I really do not like. (Bad memories with awful Palmetto trees) I guess I had better start bringing the paramotor closer to the field. Another few minutes into the flight, the wind has really picked up and the 4m wing is getting awfully small way too fast. Here you go, another awesome idea; let's descend because the wind must be weaker right above the trees (Another Mistake.) Oh no, there is tons of turbulence and on the top of it I am starting to lose the orientation of the model.
Bam, two minutes later. I really should start considering shutting down the motor otherwise this thing will end up who knows where. This is the when the hard part kicks in. Am I ready to say goodbye to the $1500.00 model? Yup it's done, nobody will ever find it in the middle of the Florida jungle.
The guys at the field are watching in disbelief how fun day turns into a "shi…ty" one in a matter of only a few minutes. Fortunately, one of us does not lose his cool and suggests waking down the road on the east side of the field (recently cleared) in the direction of the missing model. Ok, nothing to lose, let's take dog and start the walk of shame. Just in case, I have decided to keep radio ON, so that maybe we can hear the servos buzzing. 15 minutes later and 1/3 mile down the road still nothing. As we are getting closer to the irrigation ditch, it's getting more desperate; if the model ended up on other side we probably cannot reach it and it is gone forever.
As soon as we got closer to the ditch, radio suddenly comes alive and gives me signal strength and quality reading (A1 2, A2 2, 20%). OK we've got something; the model is still alive. The telemetry reads 1850mAh, so we still have hope that the system will stay ON for few hours. But the dammmmm ditch (alligators …) First let's start walking East parallel with the ditch; the signal drops. OK let's go West; signal drops again. Wow the physics really works. Now we know that model is in front of us, but so is the ditch.

I have an idea; smart phone = Google Earth. Awesome; we have a way around the water. 1/2 mile East there is small bridge where we can safely cross the canal. We walk back another 1/2 mile and start searching for the place we picked up telemetry signal; bingo got it. Telemetry reads (A1 3, A2 4, 30%) so we are getting closer. Just to be sure, I turn 180 degrees from perceived crash site to shield the transmitter antennas, and the telemetry drops like a rock (A1 1, A2 1, 10%), and I get a signal warning. Nice, we have confirmed the point A and the general direction. Fortunately, in less than 20-30 yards (20-30m) there is another dirt road exactly 90 degrees to the one we are standing on. Instead of going thru the bushes, we opted for an easy way around. We count how many steps to the road and start walking on the new one to get another telemetry reading. In less than 30 yards (30m) the signal starts dropping again; bingo, we have established another vector. We go into the Jungle (yuk) in the hope that we will see the model somewhere that we can reach it. As we are walking perpendicular to the road, the telemetry reading goes up like a rocket. We get a jump from (A1 3, A2 3, 30%) to (A1 4, A2 5, 40%) in less than 10 yards (10m). Wow, this looks promising. Suddenly, the telemetry jumps to (A1 9, A2 9, 90%) so Lucas has to be very close. Yup, the model is hanging up in the bushes with pilot Lucas laying on his back. Surprisingly, nothing is damaged; not a single tear and the motor and servos run just fine. Looks like Lucas will see another day.


Jeti USA Expand Your Universe Trade Up Program!!!
(Jeti USA & Esprit Model Buy Back Program for Spektrum/JR* DSMX & Futaba S-FHSS/FASST & FASSTest Receivers)
We all know how hard it is to move from something familiar to something new and unknown. Even if that new and unknown radio system enhances your experience, allows for future expansion, incorporates many built in safety features and delivers the possibility of taking your experience or performance to another level, the choice to make the change can be difficult. We all know that many times change is not just matter of our choice but also a matter of hard reality. The system that we currently use already represents a substantial investment and no one wants to lose it. We understand. Because of this we at Jeti USA strongly believe that it's finally time for you to have a radio system that will last for years to come. We are here and ready to help you make the change.
Our rules are very simple. Jeti USA in cooperation with Esprit Model will buy back your Futaba, Spektrum or JR DSMX receivers which are currently being sold with a Gift Certificate for 50% of the receiver's street price. This Gift Certificate can be used towards the purchase of any Jeti Radio System products. All that we require is that the used receivers are in clean, fully working conditions.*
But enough said, look what this customer had to say about Jeti (Direct Quote from a Public Forum):
Well I've been a Jeti fan for quite a few years now . This came about after fitting a TX module in to a MC24 TX belonging to a team member for him to use in airframes for F5D pylon comps. At that time Jeti 2.4 had only been available for a few short weeks but even so when we asked Jeti for alterations to their RXs, namely longer RX aerials to reach outside the fully carbon F5D airframes, Jeti responded within a week supplying new hardware with 400mm twin aerials FOC! Their response impressed me and there customer service just got even better over time. I am now looking forward to years of being able to fly with the confidence that I've chosen probably the best RC equipment available to date by far.
Mark V, UK
* This offer is not retroactive and can be canceled at any time.
* Spektrum and JR Brands are registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby, Inc and JR Americas, Inc
* Eligible receivers: AR12120, AR12020, 9310, 9110, 9020, 8000, 6210, 610, 400
* Eligible receivers: Futaba R2006, R2008SB, R6008/6014HS, R617FS, R6206SBW, R6208SB, R7003/7008SB