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Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Tech!!!
Get 11% OFF In Stock Items!!!*

Coupon Code: DEAL10112OFF
(Expires October 16, 2016 at 24:00 EST US)Good Choice


* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy.


Introducing, Brand New Line of AXi Cyclone Inrunner/Outrunner Sailplane Brushless Motors (Expected Late November, 2016)!!!

Esprit Tech is introducing brand new line of lightweight inrunner/outrunner brushless motors that come with pre-installed cooling fans and triple ball-bearing support. The new AXi’s Cyclone electric motors are particularly suited for use in electric powered gliders due to low installation profile.
Axi Cyclone


Grab Your Paramotor and Let’s Hit the Flying Field!!!



Store Display, Brand New, Receiver Ready Pulsar Pro 2.5E and 2.5E REF Electric Sailplanes. Both Models Have Been Expertly Built at Our Shop.

Store Display

Store Display


Sailplane Power Pod Launching System!!!

Sailplane Power Pod Launching SystemSailplane Power Pod Launching SystemSailplane Power Pod Launching System

Introducing our brand new electric Power Pod Launching systems. These high quality units allow you to reach optimal thermal hunting altitudes without the expense and complications associated with towing your sailplane to altitude. They are also a great choice if your favorite tow pilot is not available. Finally, you now have solution that can enhance your flying experience when you need it but can also be easily removed when not needed. Simply remove the installation screw and pull the unit out of your fuselage. The Power Pod Launching system can be supplied as Installation Ready or as just the pylon/spinner assembly ready for your Motor, ESC and Propeller installation. The special, custom, folding aluminum spinner comes with 5mm and 6mm collets.

With our proven, recommended 5S and 8S power setups your sailplane can be ready in minutes.

Transmitter Mobile Device Holder for DJI InspireTransmitter Mobile Device Holder for DJI InspireTransmitter Mobile Device Holder for DJI Inspire



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