

Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Tech!!!
Get 11% OFF In Stock Items!!!*
Coupon Code: DEAL1111OFF
(Expires November 28, 2016 at 24:00 EST US)
* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy.

Black Friday Special: Buy any Jeti DS-16 2.4GHz Radio System and Receive FREE R7 EX Duplex Receiver.*
(Expires November 28, 2016 at 24:00 EST US)

*This offer is not retroactive, eligible radios clearly marked (FREE R7 Receiver).

Get 15-50% OFF BavarianDemon 3X/3SX Helicopter & Cortex Stabilization Systems!!! (Limited Stock, Limited Time)
BavarianDemon 3SX $189.00 (was $379.00)
BavarianDemon 3X $159.00 (was $199.00)
BavarianDemon Cortex $211.00 (was $249.00)
(Expires November 28, 2016 at 24:00 EST US)
The 3SX is a high-quality, compact designed Flybarless system (Rigid) and replaces the mechanical flybar on the rotor heads of all current RC helicopters. Additionally this unit features the well-known and patented Horizontal mode (self-leveling), which brings the heli back to horizontal attitude anytime you let go off the sticks. Moreover, the system is equipped with several safety features, leveling the heli back even while in hard 3D-maneuvers like Tic-Toc or PiroFlip with a speed never seen before.
The bavarianDEMON CORTEX is a stabilization system for fix wing model aircraft. And hence an absolute world first in this form. The new brain and heart of your high-quality aircraft - immediately ready to run. The CORTEX does not require any PC or additional software settings - unless it is desired.


Get 30-86% OFF Align/Avant/Kasama/Century/Rave/Synergy/E-Flite Blade Helicopter Parts. Everything Must Go, Liquidation Sale!!!
Liquidation Sale 15-30% OFF all AXi V1, Graupner, Hyperion, Scorpion, MVVS, Xera Brushless Motors. All Must Go!!!
Get 20% OFF Align/Century/Curtis Youngblood (Stingray)/Heli-Max Multi-Rotors and Parts. Everything Must Go, Liquidation Sale!!!

Black Friday Special: Jeti Duplex DS-14 2.4GHz Basic 2.4GHz Radio System Now with FREE Aluminum Case!!!
(Expires November 28, 2016 at 24:00 EST US)
The new Jeti DS-14 Basic transmitter allows you to create system that only includes what you actually need, but one that also gives you the opportunity for future expansion. For the first time Jeti's DS-14, State-of-the-art transmitter lets you customize its software and features. Now, you only pay for features that you will actually use. Save up front on a cutting edge radio system, but keep your options open for when your needs change.


Get 40% OFF Selected Electric Sport & Scale Sailplanes!!!
(Limited Stock, Limited Time)
Discount Code: DEAL1140OFF
(Expires November 28, 2016 at 24:00 EST US)
Alsema Sagitta 4m
H-205 Club Libelle 4m
XLF-207 Laminar 4.4m
Baracuda 3E
Sirius Electro 3E
Variant III Hotliner
XL-3200 3.2E
Champion 2.8E
Kadet Sport 2E
Magic 2E F5J
Rapid 2.3E
Maxx 2E F5J


Get Instantly 40% OFF In Stock XOAR Propellers!!!
Coupon Code: DEAL1140OFF
(Expires November 28, 2016 at 24:00 EST US)

