


Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Tech!!!
Get 11% OFF In Stock Items!!!*
Coupon Code: DEAL1112OFF
(Expires February 2, 2017 at 24:00 EST US)
* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy.

Jeti DS-14/16 Radio System Test Drive!!!
Are you on the fence about making the switch to Jeti? Don't know a Jeti pilot in your area? Now there is a way to get your hands on a Jeti DS radio to decide for yourself. With only a refundable deposit, you can test drive a Jeti DS-14 or DS-16 at your home field. After speaking to a Jeti representative and placing a deposit order, a radio and receiver will be sent to you for a two week trial period. This gives you the opportunity to install it in a plane and decide for yourself if Jeti is for you.
If you decide that the radio is everything that you expected, you return the test drive radio set and use the deposit towards a new DS-14 or DS-16 of your own. If not, simply return it for a full refund of your deposit. Return shipping is simply a matter of packing the items back in the original shipping box and using the included shipping label to ship the package back to us.

Introducing Brand New Line of AXi Cyclone Inrunner/Outrunner Sailplane Brushless Motors
(In Stock)!!!
AXi Cyclone 15/1095 $85.00
AXi Cyclone 25/840 & 1035 $99.00
AXi Cyclone 40/860 & 990 $115.00
AXi Cyclone 46/760 & 920 $129.00

Esprit Tech is introducing a brand new line of lightweight, AXi Cyclone Inrunner / Outrunner brushless motors. This new design offers an extremely high level of efficiency with extra durability and is particularly suited for use in electric sailplanes and hotliners. Largely due to the low installation profile coupled with a direct plug-in power connection at the rear of the motor. An aluminum cooling fan, triple ball bearing support and a 5mm hardened steel shaft, running inside precision cut, lightweight, aluminum cases, are just a few of the new features of this design. We are particularly excited at the fact that the new motors require no special techniques for servicing, as well as, all spare parts being readily available.

Fast & Simple, Power Redundancy Done Using Jeti Dual Electronic Switch DSM 10 or DSM ESC with Magnetic Key and Battery Power Backup.
(Complete Installation in 5 Minutes or Less!!!)
Final solution in redundancy and reliability from Jeti is here. The DSM 10 is designed for two independent 5-13V inputs and supports up to 10A continuous current or 20A burst current for your connected devices. This unit is most suitable for today's high-voltage servos, which you might be operating directly from a two-cell LiFe battery or similar Li-Poly battery pack. Please note that DSM 10 does not include a regulator, output voltage is equal to input voltage.
The redundant DSM ESC switch automatically monitors and switches between two power supplies (Two Rx Batteries, Rx Battery & ESC or Two ESCs) keeping your system operational. In a case of using two ESCs the throttle signal from the receiver is supplied to both controllers simultaneously.
Two Independent Receiver Battery Packs Used for Redundancy

Brand New, Revolutionary 90 5320, 30cc 5325 & 35cc 5330 Size AXi Brushless Motors with Built In Jeti Telemetry Sensors, Hardened Steel Shafts and Integrated Cooling Fans!!!
After many years of research and testing, AXi engineers have developed a brand new line of 3D Extreme brushless motors. These motors incorporate a completely new way of thinking in the world of high performance 3D flying. The hardened steel shafts, built in propeller adapters, integrated cooling fans and preinstalled Jeti telemetry sensors represent the highest level of quality.


Stop by to See us at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo, Sebring, Florida, January 25-28, 2017 (Booth 218).
Come join us at the Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring! This is our first time ever at a full scale event and so far it has been an amazing show with so many new things to see. Check out the gallery below to see what we have been able to scope out so far.
