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Edge 540, Jack Daniel's Whiskey & Jeti = Awesome!!!
Check out Flying Giants User Nashvegas's awesome build of the 88" Edge 540 from Extreme Flight. This very personalized Edge runs a DA70 engine, Falcon Carbon Fiber Prop, Jeti Central Box 200, and his very own special Tennessee high octane fuel tank.

Jeti Duplex DC-24 2.4GHz Radio System with Color Display, Dual Haptic Feedback, Voice Commands & Microphone!!!
The new Duplex DC-24 is Jeti's new flagship, State-of-the-art, transmitter that sets a new standard for the RC Industry. The DC-24 with its brand new architecture features a Full Color Display, Dual Haptic (Vibration) Feedback for each of the gimbals and Full Resolution 24 Channel Logic.
This revolutionary, digital, 24 Channel (24 Channels & 8 Remote Commands), 2.4GHz & 900MHz, dual frequency, triple redundant (2x 2.4GHz, 1x 900MHz RF Modules) frequency hopping radio system is fully designed and manufactured by Jeti Model in the Czech republic. This is one of the most advanced radio systems on today's market. With their solid CNC aluminum case with a fully integrated five (5) antennas, a mini USB port, built-in speaker, headset jack. Metal transmitter gimbals with Hall sensors (4096 step resolution) and integrated vibration feedback (Stick Shaker), 9 ball bearings for precision movement, a large 320x240 color, backlight display and many other features the Jeti DC/DS-24s are sure to become the new standard in transmitter performance.


New Features:
1. (DC-24 only): Model description (a "label" parameter) has been added to the Model - Basic Properties menu. The label is then shown while you browse the model list within the Model Selection menu. The label has an informative meaning and should be used to distinguish between similar models.

2. Lua is now available for DC/DS-14, DC/DS-16 and DC-24.
3. New functions and possibilities have been added to the Lua programming API
4. Several function and new options have been added to provide seamless compatibility between DC/DS-16 and 24.
5. Any Lua telemetry screen can be assigned to the top status bar (instead of default clock). See the Timers/Sensors - Main Screen menu.
UPDATE 4.22 (February, 2017)
Download Firmware DC/DS-24 v4.22
Download Firmware DC/DS-16 v4.22 (Standard)
Download Firmware DC/DS-16 v4.22 (Lua Version)
Download Firmware DC/DS-14 v4.22 (Standard)
Download Firmware DC/DS-14 v4.22 (Lua Version)
What is LUA? Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode for a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.
How do you use it? Basic setup is easy. You write an application (script) and put that to SD-card. After that the application is run in your selected model. This means you can have different scripts running on different models.
For example you can have constantly updating telemetry-data, make and use graphics and images, use telemetry and voice in a new fashion, you can access SD-card with LUA and so on. One thing I really like that like there is now MX1 - MX16 there will be LUA-controls. If nothing else this opens a whole new world to making transmitter and it's functions really "Your Own".

Store Display, Brand New, Receiver Ready Electric Sailplanes ready for Delivery. All Models Have Been Expertly Built at Our Shop.

Is Your Transmitter Telemetry Challenged? Do Not Worry, Jeti Can Help!!!
People still fly other radio systems. It is a fact. One we may not like to admit, or even think about, but it is the case. However, that doesn't mean you can't still utilize a basic Jeti Telemetry System until you are ready for your next transmitter upgrade. Take a look at what this creative Spektrum/Jeti user decided to do. Great thinking! Visit the link below to get your telemetry system started today!


Graupner Polaron Single and Multi Port AC/DC & DC Chargers with Balancers and Matching Power Supplies, In Stock!!!


Compare for Yourself the True Cost of Jeti or Spektrum Radio System with Battery (Capacity/Voltage/Amp) and Receiver (Signal Quality/Strength) Telemetry for Single and Three (3) Airplanes!!!
* Spektrum brand is registered trademark of Horizon Hobby, Inc
