
Full Range of Li-Polymer 30C-60C, 300mAh - 5000mAh Jeti Pro Power Battery Pack, In Stock!!!

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(Expires April 26, 2017 at 24:00 EST US)
* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy.


Is Your Transmitter Telemetry Challenged? Do Not Worry, Jeti Can Help!!!
People still fly other radio systems. It is a fact. One we may not like to admit, or even think about, but it is the case. However, that doesn't mean you can't still utilize a basic Jeti Telemetry System until you are ready for your next transmitter upgrade. Take a look at what this creative Spektrum/Jeti user decided to do. Great thinking! Visit the link below to get your telemetry system started today!


Graupner Polaron Single and Multi Port AC/DC & DC Chargers with Balancers and Matching Power Supplies, In Stock!!!


Buy Any In Stock Pulsar 3.2E or 3.6E and Receive Free Matching AXi Cyclone Inrunner/Outrunner Brushless Motor ($115.00/$129.00 Value)!!!*
(Expires April 26, 2017 at 24:00 EST US)
* We Reserve right to exclude all additional discounts.

Jeti USA Duplex DS-6 2.4GHz Radio System with Telemetry!!!
With its advanced functionality, telemetry integration and budget friendly price, the Jeti USA DS-6 is a remarkable value and the perfect system for anyone entering the ever expanding Jeti universe!
Here is what the DS-6 has to offer!
- (6) Six Channel, (10) Ten Model Memory
- Easy-to-use Pushbutton Programming Controls
- Intuitive, Straight Forward Transmitter Menus
- JetiBox Mini for Displaying Real Time Telemetry
- Stick Mode: Mode 1, 2, 3 or 4 (Comes as Mode 2)
- Servo Reverse, Exponential and Dual Rates
- Programmable Throttle Hold
- Airplane, Heli, Delta, V-Tail Programming
- Compatible with All Jeti Receivers and Sensors
- Adjustable Transmitter Stick Length and Tension
- Jeti Transmitter Compatible Wireless Trainer Link
- Large, Easy-to-Read Backlit LCD Screen
- One Up or Down Programmable Flight Timer
- Power LED Blue Low Voltage Transmitter Alarm
- Powered by Inexpensive "AA" Batteries (4)
- Charge Jack for Optional NiCd/NiMH Battery Pack
