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Jack Diaz Mr. Top Gun 2017!!!
For many, Top Gun is another RC Event... but for some, like Jack Diaz, it is THE RC Event. Top Gun gathers pilots from all over to compete against each other, as well as their selves, in many categories covering building skills all the way to flying abilities. Perhaps the most coveted award is the "Mr. Top Gun" award, issued to the overall winner. This year, that award goes to Jack Diaz and his beautiful Belgium - Air Force "Les Diables Rouges" Fouga CM-170 Magister MT-48 jet, controlled by Jeti.
For Jack, 2-time Mr. Top Gun, this achievement was not easily had. Many hours of hard work had gone into working on his jet (and finding that perfect Jeti setup), as well as a quick parts swap mid-competition, but in the end all that work paid off. Thank you for letting us assist you out in the field. Congratulations to Jack Diaz, our 2017 Mr. Top Gun! >


Is Your Transmitter Telemetry Challenged? Do Not Worry, Jeti Can Help!!!
People still fly other radio systems. It is a fact. One we may not like to admit, or even think about, but it is the case. However, that doesn't mean you can't still utilize a basic Jeti Telemetry System until you are ready for your next transmitter upgrade. Take a look at what this creative Spektrum/Jeti user decided to do. Great thinking! Visit the link below to get your telemetry system started today!


Stop by to See New Jeti Assist Receivers at the Joe Nall 2017!!!
Jeti Model is Introducing Brand New Line of Rex Receivers with Assist Stabilization, Full Device Explorer Integration, Wireless Programming & Data Telemetry (Video from Nuremberg 2017) !!!

Jeti DS-14/16 Radio System Test Drive!!!
Are you on the fence about making the switch to Jeti? Don't know a Jeti pilot in your area? Now there is a way to get your hands on a Jeti DS radio to decide for yourself. With only a refundable deposit, you can test drive a Jeti DS-14 or DS-16 at your home field. After speaking to a Jeti representative and placing a deposit order, a radio and receiver will be sent to you for a two week trial period. This gives you the opportunity to install it in a plane and decide for yourself if Jeti is for you.
If you decide that the radio is everything that you expected, you return the test drive radio set and use the deposit towards a new DS-14 or DS-16 of your own. If not, simply return it for a full refund of your deposit. Return shipping is simply a matter of packing the items back in the original shipping box and using the included shipping label to ship the package back to us.


Edge 540, Jack Daniel's Whiskey & Jeti = Awesome!!!
Check out Flying Giants User Nashvegas's awesome build of the 88" Edge 540 from Extreme Flight. This very personalized Edge runs a DA70 engine, Falcon Carbon Fiber Prop, Jeti Central Box 200, and his very own special Tennessee high octane fuel tank.