


Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Tech!!!
The Entire Store 11% OFF (24 Hours/In Stock Items Only)!!!*
Coupon Code: FLASH11033OFF
(Expires May 17, 2018 at 24:00 EST US)
* We Reserve right to exclude all Package Deals, Clearance/Deal items, Jeti Transmitters and Ditex Servos from this promotion.

Jeti Fight Club, We Keep Your Toys Working!!!
A New Tradition Has Been Started, Monthly Prize Drawings!!! (Congratulations to David Sopronyi, Rodney Herson, Doug Bowman)
Looking for a one stop place for all your professional flight needs? If your answer is yes, join the Jeti family!
Become a member of our prestigious team of members by enrolling in the Jeti Fight Club.
Jeti Fight Club subscription membership can be purchased at the www.JetiUSA.com web site.
At Jeti USA, we are more than a team... we are family!!!
Join Jeti Fight Club now for $150.00 annual membership fee!!!

Jeti USA Joe Nall 2018 Spring Special!!!
Limited Time Only, Buy Any Jeti DC-24 or DS-24 2.4GHz Radio System and Receive FREE Jeti R7 REX Receiver!!!*
*This offer is not retroactive, eligible radios clearly marked (FREE R7 REX Receiver).

Unfortunately Joe Nall 2018 Has Been Canceled Due to Unpredictable Weather, But Let’s Remember the Good Times We Had Over the Years!!!

Introducing Graupner HoTT MZ-32 Pro 2.4GHz, 32 Channel/999 Model Memory, Dual Redundant RF Radio System, Only $989.00!!!
(In Stock)!!!
The Graupner MZ-32 is our third generation telemetry radio system that advances RC radios to a level never seen
before. With its rich set of hardware and software features, the MZ-32 is introducing a new level of functionality
where you, the user, can control almost any part of the radio.
The Graupner MZ-32 is the first radio on the market that provides full 32 channel functions right out of the box!
It supports five different model types such as electric, gas or turbine airplanes, helicopters, multirotor, cars
and even boats.
The MZ-32 has a dual 2.4GHz redundant RF system driving a polarized patch antenna for unmatched signal quality and
extended range. The included 9000mAh Li-poly battery will provide more than 10 hours of operating time, which
makes a long day at the field both possible and fun!
The data port on the back can be configured to output a variety of digital signal outputs like SUMD, CROSSFIRE,
Smart Box, and more. Adding and using third-party modules such as long-range FPV has never been easier than with
the MZ-32.