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Jeti DC/DS-24 Special

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All MKS Web Pages Updated, Servos & Accessories Fully Restocked!!!

MKS ServosMKS ServosMKS ServosMKS Servos


Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Tech!!!
Get 11% OFF Selected In Stock Items!!!*

Coupon Code: DEAL11021OFF
(Expires February 13, 2019 at 24:00 EST US)Good Choice

Elite Motors
* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy (Jeti, MKS..).


Get 10% OFF All Sailplane Power Packages. Get Matched Motor/ESC/Battery Pack & Propeller/Spinner Sets (200W-1000W)!!!
(Power Combos from 40"/1m to 200"/5m E-Sailplanes)

Power package

Power package


Introducing Brand New Jeti DS-12 Radio System. Did You Know?
(Due April/May 2019, $595.00)

Did you know that with the DS-12 you will setup Servo Fail-Safe Positions Wirelessly from Transmitter?
Every Jeti receiver provides a direct link for wireless programming. Log in to the receiver using the.
Device Explorer in your transmitter menu and setup servo Fail-Safe positions directly using the Tx screen.
No need to keep rebinding receivers or to keep them in accessible locations like with other systems


Did you know that with the DS-12 you can easily change your Background and Profile Images?
Customize every screen and play with any backround. Jeti allows you to upload any image and even customize the location on your screen.

DS-12 Color


Element 3.5E F5J/ALES Electric Sailplane, In Stock ($625.00)!!!

Element 3.5E

Element 3.5E


V-Tail Conversion Kit for Pulsar 3.2E/S or Pulsar 3.6E/S Sailplanes.
(Simply ask and we will swap Tail Parts & Boom for Free)


V-tail conversion kit for well known Pulsar Pro 3.2E/S and 3.6E/S competition sailplanes. Simply replace existing Carbon Fiber tail boom and tail parts. Installation hardware and servo covers included.


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Esprit Tech 321.729.4287 will NEVER request personal information in any email. (Passwords, Credit Card/Bank Numbers).

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