
Jeti Receivers, Central Boxes, Transmitters & Sensors ALL IN STOCK!!!

Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Tech!!!
Get 11% OFF Selected In Stock Items!!!*
Coupon Code: DEAL11021OFF
(Expires February 20, 2019 at 24:00 EST US)
* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy (Jeti, MKS..).

Stop by to See New Jeti DS-12 Radio System, Elite Motors, and other Exclusive Products at the AMA Expo East (Booth 303-305)!!!

Stop Killing Your Model, Eliminate Connector Harming Flash!!!
The Jeti Model AFC connectors eliminate the flashes often witnessed when connecting controllers (ESCs) and battery packs. Available in 4mm, 5.5mm and 8mm variants the female plug supports a SMD resistor that does away with the usual flash that occurs during connection and can harm the surface of both the male and female plugs. The set contains two male, single female and an AFC female connectors together with red and black shrink wrap.
Replace your existing connectors or install inline between your existing connector and speed controller for eliminating connecting flash spark.


Introducing Brand New Jeti DS-12 Radio System. Did You Know?
(Due April/May 2019, $595.00)
Did you know that with the DS-12 you can easily record your Sound Files and Command Functions?
Built-in microphone allows you to record your own custom sounds or voice commands and save them as single track wav. files.
Voice command function has been built in to provide a basic voice recognition capability so that the you can control some aspects of your model using your own voice. The DS-12 features the voice-activity detection system, which is able to detect voice and use it to activate telemetry announcements or assigned model functions.
