
All MKS Web Pages Updated, Servos & Accessories Fully Restocked!!!

Our Gift from Your Friends at Esprit Tech!!!
Get 11% OFF Selected In Stock Items!!!*
Coupon Code: DEAL11021OFF
(Expires March 6, 2019 at 24:00 EST US)
* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy (Jeti, MKS..).

Esprit Tech Press Release!!!
After Much Consideration, we have Decided to Start Cooperation with Another Great Czech Company. Esprit Tech is Very Proud to Announce our new Partnership with Great Manufacturer the Mejzlik Propellers.
Mejzlik has Been Delivering Carbon Fiber Propellers to Hobbyists and Industries Since 1989. The Team at Esprit Tech Looks Forward to a Long and Rewarding Relationship with this Great Company.
In Next Few Weeks Keep an Eye on Our Web Site for Information Regarding Full Line of High Quality Electric & Gas Carbon Fiber Propellers.

Curios About New Jeti DS-12 2.4GHz/900MHz RC System?
(Due April/May 2019, $595.00)
The new Jeti DS-12 transmitter allows you to create system that only includes what you actually need, but one that also gives you the opportunity for future expansion.
For the first time Jeti DS-12, State-of-the-art transmitter lets you customize its software and features. Now, you only pay for features that you will actually use. Save up front on a cutting edge radio system, but keep your options open for when your needs change. Or buy transmitter ($595.00) and discounted A, B or Deluxe software package and save right away.


Introducing Brand New Pricing for Graupner Radio Systems!!!
Graupner MZ-18 $295.00
Graupner MZ-24 $350.00
Graupner MZ-24 Pro $495.00

Like New, Store Display Jeti Duplex DS-16 2.4GHz Carbon White Radio System, Full Manufacturer Two Year Warranty (Save $400.00/24% OFF)!!!
Store Display Jeti DS-16 Carbon White Transmitter with aluminum case! Works great, and has been restored back to factory settings. Includes brand new aluminum case, power cable, and USB cable.
Condition of item: Store Display, Full Manufacturer 2 Year Warranty.

Get 10% OFF All Sailplane Power Packages. Get Matched Motor/ESC/Battery Pack & Propeller/Spinner Sets (200W-1000W)!!!
(Power Combos from 40"/1m to 200"/5m E-Sailplanes)
