
Jeti Receivers, Central Boxes, Transmitters & Sensors ALL IN STOCK!!!

Always Moving Forward, Introducing Voltario T30 & S30 Jeti Sensor!!!
Voltario T30 12V/10A Rx Battery Monitoring Sensor with Revolutionary Touch Switch (Just Arrived, $60.00)!!!
Voltario T30 combines Touch (Included), Wireless (R3/RSW) or Mechanical Switch functionality together with telemetry sensor in a single device. Voltario T30 uses advanced technology to reach minimum size and enhanced set of features.
Voltario T30 is designed to turn On/Off the electronics in your model. If you use a dedicated receiver battery, the Voltario can be used to directly replace a mechanical RC switch. Specifically in thin glider fuselages or models equipped with a small BEC circuit, the device will offer great benefits like a small size and receiver battery monitoring. The device remembers its last operating state, and if the battery is accidentally disconnected, the Voltario will automatically boot up again as soon as the battery is connected again. JetiBox Monitor/Programmer can be used for programming and live telemetry data display during bench setup and testing.
Voltario Telemetry Sensor monitors your Rx Battery Voltage (V), Capacity (mAh), and Current (A)

Voltario S30 12V/30A Programmable Servo Overload Protection & Power Monitoring Sensor (Just Arrived, $49.00)!!!
Voltario S30 is designed for monitoring power consumption of a single servo. It offers additional possibility to set the overcurrent protection shutdown with telemetry alarm if servo is disconnected. JetiBox Monitor/Programmer can be used for programming and live telemetry data display during bench setup and testing.
- Jeti Duplex & Graupner HoTT telemetry support (Current, Voltage, Used Capacity)
- Optional High Current Shutdown with Power Regeneration
- Programmable Overcurrent Protection (0.1A - 20A)
Voltario Telemetry Sensor monitors your Servo Voltage (V), Capacity (mAh), and Current (A)

Esprit Tech & Jeti USA YouTube Livestream! Episode 6: New Elite Voltario S30/T30/SFuse Telemetry Battery & Servo Sensors and Switches
This week James will be talking our new Elite series devices including the awaited in-line poly fuses and the Voltario S30 sensor and T30 switch. He will dive in to the uses of these new devices along with using the Voltario T30 along with the Jeti Wireless Switch Expander for multiple devices, along with a classroom style discussion on setting up the sequencer in your Jeti transmitter. We have gotten a lot of questions lately on this week's topics, especially the Sequencer, so you'll definitely want to tune in this week.


Data Logging & Data Display with Jeti Assist Receiver and Mezon Pro ESC!
(74" Edge 540, Elite 35cc Motor, Mezon Pro 80 ESC, 12S 4000mAh Battery, Fiala 20x8 Prop)

Need/Must know if you are killing your model or destroying your equipment, with Jeti all answers are in your hands.
There are many areas where the Jeti system answers all your questions giving you detailed information about the performance of individual components that could explain, improve or even prevent a catastrophe. We have to remember that the Jeti Transmitter is a scientific instrument and in our hands it will become the indispensable tool which helps us with improving performance, enjoyment, and safety of our hobby.
Jeti systems enable you to display, modify, delete, zoom in/out, and compare sets of data at any time without using the computer. All of this happens in your hands at the field. Once you finish your flight you will be holding all the answers to your questions in your hands. The Jeti System displays the activated alarms and all telemetry data right in front of you.
The G-Force and ESC Temperature are clearly visible, simply setup Telemetry Alarms and protect your investment.
