
Multifunction Chargers, Servo Testers/Drivers, Data/Power Analyzers!!!

Introducing First Ever, Elite Electronic Receiver Power & Ignition Kill Sliding Touch Switches with Incredible Low Standby Current (0.05mAh)!!! (Yup We Did It Again)!!!
The Elite Sliding Touch Switch is an electronic device that can be used to turn ON and OFF the electronics in your RC model. It can replace any electronic or mechanical switch. Features configurable touch sensitivity, last power-on status is stored in the internal memory, and very low standby current.
You do not need any additional tools to power up your model (such as a magnet in the case of a magnetic switch). The advantage of an electronic switch is that it offers a virtual unlimited ON/OFF cycle, unlike mechanically operated switches.
The faceplate contains an integrated LED to indicate the ON/OFF status of the switch. Should any of the devices become disconnected from the switch, the device will stay ON and switch will remember its last state.

Jeti DS-12 Carbon Gray & Black Dimond Just Arrived!!!
Introducing New Special Edition Jeti DS-12 2.4GHz/900MHz Carbon Gray & Black Diamond Radio Systems that Feature Carbon Fiber Front Plate, Black Metal Hall Sensor Gimbals and Metal Control Buttons. Package Includes Transmitter Aluminum Case and Duplex R5L 2.4GHz Receiver.

Introducing Brand New, Plug & Play Micro Variometer & Altitude Sensor
(1g Only) for Jeti EX, Graupner HoTT & Futaba S.Bus2 Radio Systems!!!
Micro Vario is a device that measures temperature and atmospheric pressure. Using the obtained data it calculates the Relative/Absolute Altitude and Rate of Climb/Descent. Changes in climb and descent rates are signaled as well. The sensor alerts you if any alarm setting is exceeded. Simply Plug & Play solution for your Jeti, Futaba or Graupner RC System.
The sensor enables an acoustic signal for the climb rate/descent rate or for exceeding of a pre-adjusted limit value. The acoustic signal consists of different tones (steps) for climbing and the same amount of steps for descending. The step width can be adjusted by the user. The climb signal consists of short interrupted tones, the descent signal consists of long permanent tones.

Build Something, We Just Did!!! Another Beauty TopModel Prelude REF 2.5E Electric Sailplane Went Out of The Door!!!
