Emcotec Polarized Wing/Fuselage Servo Connectors & Harnesses!!!

Get Up to 22 Channels Using Jeti Central Box 210/220 & Central Box 100!!! (Sorry Spektrum/Futaba Cannot Do That)!!!
After receiving numerous questions regarding getting extra channels while using Jeti Central Box 210/220 we have come up with elegant configuration that uses power from CB210/220 servo port 9/10 for Central Box 100. This way you can have up to 20 high power servos connected to the system and still have full battery telemetry & redundancy.
If you connect Telemetry to the CB100 and use CB100 only for noncritical functions (Gyro, Lights, Airbrakes…) you can get away with a single power lead and go up to 22 servos.


Introducing Brand New, Plug & Play Micro Variometer & Altitude Sensor
(1g Only) for Jeti EX, Graupner HoTT & Futaba S.Bus2 Radio Systems!!!
Micro Vario is a device that measures temperature and atmospheric pressure. Using the obtained data it calculates the Relative/Absolute Altitude and Rate of Climb/Descent. Changes in climb and descent rates are signaled as well. The sensor alerts you if any alarm setting is exceeded. Simply Plug & Play solution for your Jeti, Futaba or Graupner RC System.
The sensor enables an acoustic signal for the climb rate/descent rate or for exceeding of a pre-adjusted limit value. The acoustic signal consists of different tones (steps) for climbing and the same amount of steps for descending. The step width can be adjusted by the user. The climb signal consists of short interrupted tones, the descent signal consists of long permanent tones.



Stop Killing Your Model, Eliminate Connector Harming Flash!!!
The Jeti Model AFC connectors eliminate the flashes often witnessed when connecting controllers (ESCs) and battery packs. Available in 4mm, 5.5mm and 8mm variants the female plug supports a SMD resistor that does away with the usual flash that occurs during connection and can harm the surface of both the male and female plugs. The set contains two male, single female and an AFC female connectors together with red and black shrink wrap.
Replace your existing connectors or install inline between your existing connector and speed controller for eliminating connecting flash spark.

StandBox is a Light Flexible Modular System Used for Building, Maintenance, Transport, and Storage of R/C Model Airplanes.
