
Jeti DS-16 G2 2.4GHz/900MHz Transmitters,
IN STOCK!!! (Time to Pre-Order, We Are Almost There FCC/IC)

Jeti USA Press Release!!!
We would like to announce that on February 23, 2021 the Federal Communication Commission and Industry Canada, Granted Equipment Authorization (FCC), and Certificate of Acceptance (IC) to Jeti USA (Esprit Model Inc.) for the Duplex EX Rsat 900NG 900MHz Receiver.

Backup receiver compatible with Jeti Duplex (DS-12, DS-16 G2) transmitters equipped with a 900MHz (Next Generation) NG module. They are designed as a backup system and step in if the 2.4GHz signal degrades beyond an acceptable levels. The 900MHz NG receivers limits telemetry to Rx Voltage, A1/A2 Signal Strength and Q Signal Quality to increase signal range and to lessen the effects of external interference.


Jeti DS-12 Transmitter Slide Levers in Red, Black & Silver (In Stock)!!!


All Jeti DS-12 2.4GHz/900MHz RC Systems In Stock!!!

Introducing, Brand New Jeti DS-16 G2 2.4GHz/900MHz Dual Band, 24 Channel Radio System with 900MHz Back Up RF Link, Color LCD Display, Internal Microphone and Much More.

