
APC, XOAR, Falcon Propellers 40% OFF!!!

New Sizes/New Applications, New Hacker Ditex Servos Just Arrived!!!

For the First Time Ever your Electric RC Model Can Be Turned ON/OFF with a Simple Flip of the Switch Wirelessly Using the Jeti Transmitter and Elite 55/65/85/115 HV/SB 12S Brushless ESC!!!

The brand new line of Elite Falcon Opto & SBEC ESCs target mainly professionals and pilots looking for uncompromising precision and quality. The Elite Falcon ESCs combine new revolutionary design, system upgradability, almost unlimited flexibility with state of the art telemetry capabilities.
The Falcon product line represents advanced speed controllers for exclusive use in airplanes, drones, sailplanes or any kind of radio control application. With integrated telemetry and various possibilities of optional user configuration, the controllers offer high efficiency, low weight and precise motor control. The telemetry system in the Elite Falcon ESC lets you monitor in real time the Amperage (Amp), Voltage (V), and Capacity (mAh) consumed from the battery, ESC even calculates Power (W) output of the system. You can also measure the ESC Temperature and add external Motor Temperature and Propeller Positioning sensors. We have created a more robust hardware platform including increased cooling capability, smaller overall packaging, and selectable sensitivity to allow you to use any brushless motor that you choose. No matter which size you choose, the Elite Falcon series brushless speed controllers are right for your next project.


TopModel Samsara 3.2E, Prelude 2.5E REF & Super Sport 2.35E Electric Sailplanes Ready for the 2023 Season !!!

Store Display Plug & Play Opale Paramotor Power 2.7/3.67m Wing/Lucas Pilot/Mezon ESC/AXi Motor w/Optional Jeti Telemetry & Tons of Finished Details (One of a Kind)!!!
Designed with the easy handling that you have come to expect from an Opale single skin wing, the Power 2.7 is naturally gifted when it comes to dancing with the wind. During the first soaring flights, facing a 35km/h wind and lightly ballasted, we were very surprised by the high efficiency of this wing. The wing cuts lines through the wind like a sushi chef cutting a Maki roll with his knife. Under power, in combination with a Backpack L and a Lucas Pilot, the wing did not flinch and the handling was just as precise.
Recommended battery: 4000-5000mAh 6S
Condition of item: Store Demo, Test Flown, Like Brand NEW, Added Extra Features


Jeti Studio Program for Visualization and Telemetry Data Analysis & Jeti DS/DC-24 Model Program Emulator (Transmitter PC Programmer)!!!
JETI Studio is a cross-platform program for the visualization and analysis of telemetry data received from sensors. The program is available free of charge as a software support to the Duplex product line.
- Graphical visualization of telemetry records produced by the DC/DS (*.log files) and Flight Monitor program
- Direct support for JETIBOX profi - reading log files and real-time telemetry
- Real-time telemetry visualization
- Device updates - you can easily update your receivers, sensors etc.
- EX Bus devices configuration
- Integrated DC/DS-24 transmitter emulator
