
Esprit Tech Press Release: FrSky Telemetry, Integration and Wireless Programming for Full Line of Falcon ESCs!!!

FrSky: Telemetry and configuration are both possible. To configure the controller, Ethos system is required (minimum version 1.4). You need to download the corresponding Lua application to your transmitter (“scripts” folder) and launch it from the second page of the Configuration menu. Please note that only a single controller may be connected to the telemetry bus to prevent conflicts in addresses.
The firmware has been separated into three independent files, based on the telemetry compatibility (always choose one according to your system):
- ESC_COMMON – compatible with JETI, Graupner, Multiplex and Futaba telemetry systems.
- ESC_SPEKTRUM – compatible with Spektrum and JETI telemetry systems.
- ESC_FRSKY – compatible with FrSky and JETI telemetry systems.
03.04.24 - 21:51
