Let's Be Honest, in Today's World, it's All About the Deal!!!
Get 10% OFF Any In Stock Items!!!*
Next 48 hours ONLY
Coupon Code: DEAL10OFF
(Expires August 24, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)

* We Reserve right to exclude certain Items from this promotion due to Manufacturer/Distributor MAP Policy.
Get 15% OFF Any In Stock TP Battery Packs, Futaba & Hitec Receivers,
MKS & Hitec Analog/Digital Servos, Jeti Advance/Spin/HiCopter & Castle Creation ESCs!!!
Next 48 hours ONLY
Discount Code: DEAL15OFF
(Expires August 24, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)
Thunder Power Pro-Lite 25C, Pro Force 70C Battery Packs
Hitec 2.4Ghz Receivers
Futaba 2.4Ghz Receivers
Hitec Digital and Analog Servos
MKS Digital and Analog Servos
Jeti Advance, Spin and ECO Speed Controllers
Castle Creation ESCs
Get 15% OFF Selected Electric Sailplanes & Hotliners!!!
Next 48 hours ONLY
Discount Code: DEAL15OFF
(Expires August 24, 2014 at 24:00 EST US)
Sprinter EVO
Elipsoid Evo 2.8E
Challenger Sport 2E
Stinger Pylon Racer
Siesta 1.9E F5J
Thermik Dream 3E
Champion 2.8E
Pegasus 2E F5J
Butterfly Sport 2E
Super Sport 3S/E
New Jeti Spin Pro 80/100/160A SHED ESCs w/5A BEC, In Stock!!!
New Jeti Spin Pro SHED (Slim/Hotliner/Electric Ducted Fan) controllers will give you unprecedented control of the programming for your brushless motors. All includes Switching BEC that allows you to run up to 8 servos. Any SPIN controller can be used either in airplanes, sailplanes, fix pitch or 3D helicopters (constant RPM).
SPIN controllers can be quickly programmed without a computer; the SPIN BOX is all that is needed. SPIN controllers have a Data Logging function that lets you check and fine tune the setup of your airplane or helicopter. Readings for Peak controller temperature, Maximum current, Minimum current, RPM, Motor run time and many other parameters are recorded and can be viewed right on the SPIN BOX after a flight. This allows you to make adjustments immediately and fly again to see the results.
Sailplane Power Pod Launching System!!!
Introducing our brand new electric Power Pod Launching systems. These high quality units allow you to reach optimal thermal hunting altitudes without the expense and complications associated with towing your sailplane to altitude. They are also a great choice if your favorite tow pilot is not available. Finally, you now have solution that can enhance your flying experience when you need it but can also be easily removed when not needed. Simply remove the installation screw and pull the unit out of your fuselage. The Power Pod Launching system can be supplied as Installation Ready or as just the pylon/spinner assembly ready for your Motor, ESC and Propeller installation. The special, custom, folding aluminum spinner comes with 5mm and 6mm collets.
With our proven, recommended 5S and 8S power setups your sailplane can be ready in minutes.